Atkins Library

49erNext students have access to the UNC Charlotte J. Murrey Atkins Library and its resources.
Book and DVD Circulation
- 49erNext students may check out books and DVDs from UNC Charlotte’s Atkins Library. A maximum of six items can be checked out at any time.
- Books may be checked out for 21 days; DVDs may be checked out for 7 days.
- If an item is not overdue and has not been recalled, it may be renewed twice online by logging into your library account with a UNC Charlotte NinerNet username and password.
- To borrow items from the library, present your 49er ID Card.
Online Licensed Resources
- Access to online licensed resources is available for 49erNext students via dedicated computers located in J. Murrey Atkins Library.
- Resources include online databases and journals.
Research Consultations
- Students may make appointments for in-depth, subject-specific research help.
- Subject librarians are available to meet with 49erNext students to provide assistance and support on a wide range of research topics.
- Complete this research consultation request form and the appropriate subject librarian will be in contact with you to set up a time to meet at J. Murrey Atkins Library on the UNC Charlotte campus.